Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Detroit Part 3: Coneys

As I mentioned in an earlier post, one thing I was looking forward to doing in Detroit was trying out some Coneys, especially since the two places that will be featured on the forthcoming Food Wars episode, Lafayette Coney Island and American Coney Island, are right next to each other and only a few blocks from the hotel where we stayed. (By the way, the new Doubletree is quite nice.)

We didn't make it to either place the first night we were there, but the second night, after some adult beverages, we decided to give it a whirl. The bartender at the last bar of the night, Pappy's (also recommended), recommended Lafayette, so that's where we headed. I ordered (if I recall correctly) a loose meat coney, pictured here:

Excellent, excellent post-drinking food, though that practically goes without saying. Tasty hot dog, tasty chili, mustard, raw onions, what could be bad?

Of course, intrepid culinary explorers that we are, we decided we couldn't let the night end without doing a compare-and-contrast at American while Lafayette was fresh in our mind. For the sake of consistency, I ordered the same thing, pictured here:

After a few bites and a pause to consider, the natural question was asked: which did we like better? As luck would have it (since we we wouldn't want to have to split up on subsequent trips), a consensus was reached: American was the winner of our personal food war. We thought the casing had more snap (though both are natural casings, we're told), and the chili had a better flavor. (Chopped raw onion and plain yellow mustard can't and didn't really vary much from one another.) Once that had been determined, it seemed only natural to return to American, and return we did for our remaining two nights in the city.

One more photo (this time taken with an actual camera, rather than the camera on my phone) of a pair of coneys at American:

But really, it's a hot dog with chili on it; you can't go wrong at either place, nor, presumably, at other places around Michigan that make the same thing.

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