Thursday, April 1, 2010

Then What Is It For, Exactly?

It's Passover. As such, I bought a box of matzah at the Key Food on my way home from work on Tuesday. ("Matzah"? "Matzoh"? "Matzo"? Firefox's built-in spell-check likes only the latter two, but I like the first one and that's what I'm sticking with.) It's Streit's, a perfectly cromulent brand of matzah to be buying, I thought. (I mean, their website domain name has "matzo" in it.) The ingredients are flour and water, just like the ingredients are supposed to be. (I bought whole wheat matzah, because I think you're generally better off eating whole bread products when possible, so technically the ingredients were "whole wheat flour" and water, but that's splitting hairs.) Looked great. Brought it home, ate some matzah. (In the form of matzah pizza, because it's awesome, but again, besides the point.) Last night I looked at the side of the box and what did I see? "Not for Passover use."



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